Jusqu'à 50€ de café offert à l'achat d'une machine à café.
Honduras | Estate BIO, 500g
Honduras | Estate BIO, 500g
Honduras | Estate BIO, 500g
Honduras | Estate BIO, 500g
Honduras | Estate BIO, 500g

    Honduras | Estate BIO, 500g

    17,00 €
    Tax included.
    • Product Type: Café
    • Barcode:



    FINCA SAN ANTONIO, Rosa Gabriela Lopez

    Species : arabica | Varietal : Lempira | Altitude : 1250 m | Processing : Honey (Grade SHB EP) | Drying : raised bed | Flavor Profil : Apple, Brown Sugar, Caramel 

    The Coffee

    Gaby selectively handpicks ripe, red cherry and processes it on her farm, Finca San Antonio. Ripe cherry is pulped and laid to dry in raised beds. Gaby rakes coffee frequently to ensure even drying. It takes approximately 18 days for parchment to dry.

    Lempira is a cross between Catimor and Caturra.

    The Farm and the Woman

    Gaby Lopez is a woman passionate about coffee. From an early age, she wanted to know everything she could about coffee cultivation. Growing up in a coffee growing family, Gaby learned as much as she possibly could and planned to have her own farm.

    Today, Gaby cultivates coffee on her farm, Finca San Antonio, in San Pedro. She works in quality control. She’s been a judge for Honduras’ Cup of Excellence competitions and in other national and international competitions. She continues to seek new ways to improve her coffees.